With this page you can customize the HxC firmware for STM32 or ARTERY AT32 based floppy emulators (Gotek and all clones)
Fill up the following form to customize the firmware. The firmware will be recompiled/rebuilt following your requests and sent to the provided email some minutes later.
This is a fully automated and free service so don't hesitate to play with it ! :).
Note: Once your new firmware is flashed you may need to clear the drive internal settings to use some of your default settings : Press the right button at power up to clear them.
If you get any problem or question please contact us too ! (Visit the "Contact us" page.)
Standard firmware : HXCFEUSB_Gotek_HxC_firmware.zip
Releases notes : USB_HFE_hxc_floppy_emulator_firmware_release_notes.txt
User manual : User manual.
HxC Floppy Emulator project | Legal Mentions | (C)2006-2024 HxC2001 / Jean-François DEL NERO |