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Excellon CNC 6 floppy disk drive replaced by an HxC Floppy Emulator

The Floppy disk drives of this Excellon CNC 6 machine was successfully replaced by an HxC Floppy Emulator.
The HxC Floppy disk drive emulator is emulating both floppy floppy disk drive of the machine.
The Excellon floppy disk drive disk format use a mixed track encoding : 16 FM 128 Bytes sectors on the track 0 side 0 and 16 MFM 256 Bytes sectors for the others tracks.

- Original floppy disk drive was analyzed and backuped by the HxC Floppy Emulator software.

- Some ready to use Excellon CNC 6 disk images can be downloaded here.

User feedback:

Great Jeff ! Perfect, it works fine. Thanks a lot !!!


HxC Floppy Emulators compatibity list

HxC Floppy Emulator project Legal Mentions (C)2006-2025 HxC2001 / Jean-François DEL NERO